In 2199, the Incorporate are privately owned companies that have ascended to state status. What sets the Incorporate apart from mere megacorporations is their social responsibility: each Incorporate state is responsible for maintaining geographic territory and ensuring its survival, safety, administration, logistics, and welfare. (Most of them issue scrip as well, which has become humanity's default currency since the Blight.)
While the first company to ascend to what is now considered Incorporate status, Biogene, did so when it founded El Dorado in 2040, most of the other Incorporate powers arose during the Blight, when large-scale state collapse became commonplace, and none are known to have been established since.
The ten most powerful of the Incorporate are Anasi Systems, Atlas Materials, Biogene, Dundalk Shipbuilding, GenDiver, Hanover Industries, Hydrospan, Lavender Organics, MacLeod Enforcement, and the Nippon Industrial State.
The Incorporate on Poseidon
Of the Incorporate, seven currently have holdings on Poseidon. (Anasi and MacLeod have no established presence on the planet yet, while Dundalk operates Colonial Station in orbit.) Since the discovery of Long John in 2185, the Incorporate have become major players in Poseidon's politics, fueling the colonial population boom and coming into armed conflict with both each other and, more recently, the natives.
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