Nippon Industrial State
Nakedly reactionary and shamelessly exploitative, the Nippon Industrial State has worked for almost a century to earn its place among the least-loved Incorporate powers. The GEO tolerates it, barely, as a necessary evil; the NIS is a reliable ally against the People's Republic of China, and actually trying to shut it down would cause disproportionate and unacceptable economic damage.
The NIS on Poseidon
While the Nippon Industrial State has other holdings (the resort island of Pearl, for instance, and Red Town in the Argos Cluster), its headquarter planetside is Simushir, where it continues its long company history of consumer manufacturing and horrific labor practices. The NIS has further branched into xenosilicates prospecting around Ina, sparking conflicts with Biogene.
Player's Guide (BPv2) pp 224