Located at 16°59'22" S, 17°18'41" on the northeastern shore of New Corazon, Harmony (pop. 93,000; "Kingston" in earlier editions of Blue Planet) is Poseidon's second largest city, and one of only a few with its own spaceport.
The first settlement in the Zion Islands, Harmony was founded by Quentin McDermott around 5 SP (2093), where it became the staging ground for exploring the rest of the region. During the Abandonment, the New Gaia Collective's strong hold over the region hardened into separatism that colored Harmony's politics until after Recontact, when its diehard separatists broke ties with their kindred and left to found Independence and other separatist communities. Like every major settlement on Poseidon, the discovery of Long John turned Harmony into a boomtown, growing from 18,000 in 2187 to its current count today. (Unusually for a historic boomtown, Harmony's native population has also climbed by nearly 50%, though the 6,300 natives are still a minority in their own city.)
Physical layout
Harmont is built on the shore of Viejo Bay ("Annotto Bay" in earlier editions of Blue Planet), on rafts, on superstructures that rests on the sea floor and on the few islands of the bay. The city is divided in a number of parishes.
During the Abandonment, Harmony elected a neighborhood councilor for every hundred residents; since the post-Recontact population boom, councilors are now elected by districts at the parish level, making Harmony's city council the largest on Poseidon.
The politics of Harmony is heavily influenced by the NGC, no decision will be taken that goes clearly against the goals of the movement.
See also
- Ice-Lion Axxess, a fanmade CommCore provider based out of Harmony