Mars Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service (MICS)

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MICS was founded in 2147 by Ono Ahmya, the Senate president of the time. It was created off the books with the specific aim to counterbalance the economic power of the Families with an informational advantage.

Its mission since then has expanded to providing the Mars government and administration with intelligence on all important players in the political arena at Sol - and now beyond. A major focus right now are the rising tensions between UN, GEO, US and China. And since Poseidon is the place where all this might come to a head, MICS is currently trying to establish operatives and a branch office at Lambda Serpentis.

Culture, Reputation & Resources

Although its existence is still officially denied, it has a reputation in the intelligence community as having extremely well-trained but independent operatives (nicknamed Mickeys). Maybe it's an effect of Mars culture, but MICS relies more on the loyalty and trust of its operatives and less on control of them than other agencies.

It is also important to note that MICS has low financial and human resources, especially compared to GEO, UN, US and China. Even some of the Incorporates have probably higher budgets for their security and intelligence than MICS.

Story Hooks

  • Agent in Trouble. A Mikey is in trouble on Poseidon and needs the character's help to escape / survive / get their information off the planet.
  • You could be an Asset. MICS or a Mickey approaches the characters to recruit them. For example, as informants or to execute a specific operation.
  • My Name is Grond. Jamie Grond. The characters are Mikeys on a mission on Poseidon. And now have to deal with having exchanged the sands of Mars for the waters of Poseidon.